Electroencephalogram Studies (EEG)

Electoral-Encephalogram Studies (EEG)

EEGs are functional studies of the activities of the brain’s cortex that use non-invasive techniques to provide diagnostic clarity that may not be found through conventional studies such as MRIs, CTs, and X-Rays. These brainwave studies are the standard for the diagnosis and management of neurological and cognitive dysfunctions such as:

  • Seizures
  • Epilepsy
  • Syncope
  • Near-Syncope
  • Dizziness
  • Cognitive Dysfunction
  • Memory Loss
  • AMS (Altered Mental Status)
  • Encephalopathy
  • Neuro-Degenerative Conditions (Dementias, TBI, Concussions, and more)

EEGs are an excellent diagnostic tool for a wide array of patients as they do not interfere with any medications or treatments, and are safe for all patients, including, but not limited to, those with metal implants, claustrophobia, or those who are currently or plan to become pregnant.

We offer both routine EEG studies (CPT Code 95816) and sleep awake EEG studies (CPT Code 95819)